Apple Strudel


225g (8oz) plain flour
2,5 ml (1/2 level tsp ) salt
1 egg
30 ml (2tbsp) oil
60 ml (4tbsp) lukewarm water
45g ( 1 1/2 oz) raisins
45g ( 1 1/2 oz) currants
85g (3oz) caster sugar
2.5 ml (1/2 tsp) ground cinamon
1.1 kg (2 1/2  lbs) cooking apples , peeled , cored  and  sliced
45g ( 1 1/2oz) melted butter
110g (4oz) ground almonds
Icing sugar
Flour for rolling



1.   Combine flour and salt . Make a well , pour in the egg and oil . Add water gradually. Stir to form a sticky dough.

2.   Work dough until it leaves side. Turn out on a floured suface. Knead for 15 minutes . Form into a ball. Cover and leave to rest for one hour.

3.   Combine the raisins , currants , caster sugar , cinnamon and apples.

4.  Warm the rolling pin, spread a clean old tablecloth on the table and sprinkle lightly with 15-30ml (1-2tbsp) flour. Place the dough on the cloth and roll out into a rectangle abour 2.5mm (1/8'') thick , lifting and turning it to prevent its sticking to the cloth.

5.  Place the back of hands under the dough and strech gently working from the centre to the outside , until paper thin. Trim the edges to form a rectangle about 78x60 cm (27x24 inches). Leave to dry and rest for 15 minutes.

6.  Arrange dough with long side towars you . Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with almonds. Cover with apple. Leave a 5cm (2'') border.

7. Fold pastry over the apples. Lift corners of the cloth up and use to roll up strudel. Pat intro shapte to keek it even.

8.  Form into a horseshow shape , brush with melted butter and slide onto a lightly buttered baking sheet.

9. Cook at a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes . Dust with icing sugar , and serve hot and cold.

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